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T-Shirts Online for a Cause – The Ethical Side of T-Shirts

T-Shirts Online for a Cause – The Ethical Side of T-Shirts

T-shirts are not only an attractive, versatile item of clothing; they can also be a tool for benefiting others. Selling t-shirts online has long been connected with charitable organisations as a means of direct promotion but with a number of new initiatives being implemented through well-known websites, the philanthropic reach of t-shirts online has significantly widened. Not only can you look great, you can also help to give back to society at the same time! There are a number of ways that buying t-shirts can be a vehicle for positive change and help to promote a more ethical society.

Promotion of charitable organisations

The simplest way t-shirts can help charities is by providing cheap advertising. Wearing a t-shirt with the name of your favourite charity on it can help to get the charity’s message out there and increase awareness across a wider section of the population. Many charities are aware of this and even provide t-shirts online and in person, for free or for a very small donation, as a way of increasing public awareness of their cause.

Political activism

Activist slogans and designs are intended to help increase awareness of a particular issue and can be a great way to make a non-confrontational stand against a specific problem within society or on a wider global basis. Activist t-shirts can be humorous or more serious in nature and have been used for everything from promoting free love in the 1960s, to poking fun at the social media saturated world of today. With a wide selection of political and activist t-shirts online, it’s never been easier to make your voice heard.

Using sustainable practices

Many t-shirts labels may be aware of the ethical debates surrounding the clothing industry and may use local materials and fairly paid workers to produce their t-shirts. Sellers of t-shirts online tend to have lower overheads than retailers, which means they are often more able to support initiatives for sustainable practices. By supporting local industry and buying products that are sweat shop free like American Apparel, you can help to encourage more businesses selling t-shirts online to adopt ethical and environmentally sustainable practices.

Celebrity designers

Competitions to design charity t-shirts are becoming increasingly popular as a way for designers to make a contribution in a fun and unusual way. With a wide number of design contests for t-shirts online and projects aimed at increasing awareness of social and environmental issues, celebrity designed t-shirts can help to promote local and international charities, as well as raising funds for charitable projects.

With so many different ways to make a positive contribution to society t-shirts will continue to play a positive role in our worldwide community.

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