Gift Ideas for Men – Thrill Seekers

Finding the perfect birthday, Christmas or anniversary gift for the men in your life can be a bit of a challenge. Whether it’s your dad, son, brother, husband or boyfriend, you want to get him something he will really love, rather than a boring old gift certificate or a pair of socks. Happily, one of the more recent innovations in the gift market is the ability to buy your loved ones vouchers for experiences as a gift. Pick the right adventure to suit your man, and you will be giving him a once in a lifetime day that he will always remember. Of course, as a word of warning, if you go down this route make sure you know his limits, you want to delight him, not terrify him!
Here are some ideas of adventure days you can buy packages for to give to the special man in your life:
Paintballing is a popular way to blow off steam, and plenty of people do it as a regular hobby. With a little research, you should be able to find a facility offering paintballing somewhere near you who will offer equipment hire and paintballs as part of a package. This is a good gift for men who are fit an active, as there is a lot of running around and dodging involved, and would be ideal for guys who enjoy playing strategic shooting games or who love military books and movies, as they can play out their army fantasies. While you can book this sort of thing for your man on his own, and he will be put on a team with other players, this can be even more fun if you arrange it for him and a group of his friends.
Although not for the feint hearted, sky diving is something a lot of people would love to try if they had the chance. You could book your man onto a tandem skydiving day, on which he will be taught all of the safety procedures and how to land, before being taken up in a plane to do a parachute jump while strapped to an instructor. If he has ever hinted that this is something he would like to do, this could either be a great introduction to the hobby or a once in a lifetime adrenaline rush.
White Water Rafting
Obviously this isn’t available everywhere, but if you have the facilities nearby a day out white water rafting could be the perfect gift for a thrill seeking guy. Packages for white water rafting will include instruction, so although it is a fairly dangerous sport he will be in good hands as he enjoys his adventure.
If your man loves aircraft, why not get him a flying lesson? A lot of flying schools will offer taster sessions where he will be taken up in a plane with an instructor and will get the chance to control it himself in flight.
These are just some examples of the kinds of experiences you can find offered as gift packages, but if you look around online and use your imagination you could have him doing anything from bungee jumping to hot air ballooning, and he will certainly always remember your gift.